

Focus Wertschöpfung und Wachstum


INNOVATION ist die ZUKUNFT aller Unternehmen

Im Mittelpunkt steht Ihr Unternehmen

Die "Magna-Card" zum Unternehmenserfolg

Methoden im 'Innovations-Management'

Zusammenfassung der MAGNA-Leistungen


Mission Statement and Consulting Services

Mission Statement and Consulting Services

Enabling INNOVATION is our main goal in respect to our customers. We guide small and medium sized companies on their way to new or improved products as well as services. This includes all kinds of internal improvements and external co-operation with partners in areas, where companies aim to extend their core-competencies. We build Innovation-Management-Systems as well as Quality-Management-Systems in co-operation with our customers and fulfill the appropriate standards.

We are Management Consultants with focus on Quality Management Systems based on ISO 9001 as well as Management Systems to improve your efficiency and productivity. We build for our customers new Management Systems or improve existing ones.

Our aim is continuous improvement and efficiency of your business-processes. We guide your Management to measure and verify achievements of goals. Proven internal results and your customer's satisfaction are the criteria for your and our measurements. Our co-operation produces validated results starting with the planning process up to measurement of the results through an auditing process. We train your Management and your Employees.

EDP-Support: Our customers can implement their Innovation-Management based on our software IMS (Innovation Management System). Training will be provided for "Innovation-Management-Systems" in general and for the software IMS in particular.

Mission Statement (Magna-Consulting):
Consulting services designed to improve your company's product and service quality and to give your employees motivation for more efficiency and achievements. We support your organisational improvements.


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